Day 20 Poem: for love of an apple

for love of an apple
I love being an apple
here she comes
she never just grabs and chomps
this is a special one
she picks me out
depending on what she feels
big, little (she’ll take two)
then she holds me
looks at me
coos happy sounds
and then
rolls me about
between her warm hands
excited to see me
then   I get a warm bath
a little soap and all sudsy
then a rinsing
a patting dry
now time to shed
my skin
she has
a special knife she uses
as off comes my skin
in little curling pieces
she doesn’t throw me out
not this one
she delights
in crunching through
each curled piece
to the last
then I get tidily
all chopped up
I love my beautiful
white skin exposed
in small white chunks
I get all dressed up
with some creamy yogurt
and a small slice of
whole wheat muffin
best of all  my core
the very heart of me
she is now considering
saving my seeds
to plant
in her small front yard
just for love of me
I will do something good here.
Penelope Olive
Prompt today: write a poem that anthropomorphizes a kind of food
