Day 17 Poem: Lady Amber Socks


Lady Amber Socks
I remember picking her up
from the breeder
she was sick on my lap
poor thing just a baby
we had been in a fire
at a dude ranch
when we got back home
safely  I thought a dog
would keep us safe
we named her
Lady   Amber    Socks
because she always had
one of the boys’ socks
in her mouth
she was a great pet
and companion
the first I ever had as an adult
the boys loved her too
I still have pictures of her
a single mom
she actually slept with me
she also was not a barker
so we tried
to encourage her
to bark
the first time she did bark
she looked so surprised
as if she didn’t know where
that sound had come from
it was quite sweet   funny
she made me laugh a lot
the boys too.

my first and only pet as an adult
my beautiful gentle golden retriever
she came to us when we needed her
and I still miss her.

Penelope Olive

Prompt for today: think about dogs you have known, seen, or heard about, and then use them as a springboard into wherever they take you.
