Day 21 Poem: mercies of life


mercies of life
dear friend not sure where you are
are you in the same place as I am now
I hope so we took solace in our friendship
when young marrieds in similar sad places
my prayer is that you too have found peace rest
for your life
dear work of whirlwind proportion
how you ruled my heart mind and soul
with your demands of time energy strength
I loved the pace the challenge the interactions
until all was exhausted depleted counted as good
now I take rest
dear icon blessed image of my youth
you accompanied me through thick thin
good peaceful face always looking before me
to guide me to safety wisdom discernment grace
still with me I treasure your image symbol of Presence
Jesus I Trust In You
how was I so blessed with these mercies of life?

First Communion holy card...
Prompt for today: a poem in which you first recall someone you used to know closely but are no longer in touch with, then a job you used to have but no longer do, and then a piece of art that you saw once and that has stuck with you over time. Finally, close the poem with an unanswerable question.
